Elvis Movie Review
This video review of Baz Luhrmann's "Elvis" was conducted on The Sober Curator site in September of 2022. I am the resident Astrologer/Tarot reader over at The Sober Curator, which is an online magazine dedicated to providing content and resources for those in recovery.
I am a HUGE Elvis fan and had the honor of providing a look at Elvis from the perspective of his Birth Chart.
While Elvis was birthed into this world destined for greatness, he also carried many astrological signatures of someone who has a hard time dealing with mundane reality, codependency issues, and a need to be larger than life.
Here is an image of Elvis's chart from astro.com.
As you can see from his chart, Elvis was a Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon, and Sagittarius rising.
I discuss what this means from an astrological perspective in the video below. I hope you enjoy!
You can also find more of my Astrology content on thesobercurator.com